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Nutrition EDGE workshop Tom Price

Start: Tuesday 24 March 2015
End: Thursday 26 March 2015
Event category: ,
Venue Tom Price
Tom Price, WA 6751 Australia

The Nutrition EDGE package is tailored for your conditions and enterprise management. It is designed to equip you to make decisions that ultimately help to achieve your herd performance targets through improved breeder fertility, weight gains, optimal use of supplements and overall management.

During the workshop you will:

  • Better understand the nutritional requirements of your cattle and sheep
  • Be able to estimate the feed value of pasture and estimate animal production
  • Know what supplements to feed
  • Understand a feed label
  • Save money on supplementary and drought feeding
  • Make better management decisions for a range of seasonal conditions

Workshop topics:

  • Digestive system of ruminants and use of nutrients, intake and production
  • Pasture growth and quality, and indicators and factors that affect them
  • Grazing management and animal performance
  • How to manage supply of nutrients from pasture to grazing animals
  • Identifying mineral and vitamin deficiencies and how to manage for them
  • Managing nutritional deficiencies
  • Defining targets and options
  • Supplementation and associated economics

Individual issues will be addressed during this course.

The workshop package includes:

  • Three-day workshop (with a field session)
  • Follow-up day (approximately 4–8 months later)
  • Workshop notes and reference material
  • Morning teas, afternoon teas and lunches

The workshop uses an interactive style and builds on participants’ knowledge.


Prices (GST inclusive):
First person from a business – $1,150
Second person from a business – $1,035 each
Third person from a business – $931.50 each

Rangelands NRM subsidy available on request please call Kira Andrews on (08) 9192 5507 for details.

For more information and to register

For more information about workshop content, please contact the workshop presenter, Désirée Jackson on 0409 062 692 or desireejackson@bigpond.com.

For more information about registration and logistics, please contact Matthew Fletcher on (08) 9166 4019 or matthew.fletcher@agric.wa.gov.au.

Numbers are strictly limited to 15 participants so please register early.

Download the Nutrition EDGE workshop Tom Price information and registration form (PDF, 255KB).