Export markets



The Baseline survey of salmonella in Australian beef to export markets project aimed to demonstrate the hygienic quality of meat processing to importing countries by conducting a microbiological…

Browse the Australian Livestock Export Corporation Ltd (LiveCorp) publications that are available online.

This guide is designed to assist exporters comply with the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock and identify animals that are unfit to load for export. The guide complements the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock and assists in the maintenance of assists in the maintenance of high standards of animal health and welfare.

The Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) set the requirements for exporting livestock from Australia by sea and air. The standards outline the minimum animal health…

The beef live export market is the major outlet for stock in northern Australia – find out more about this important cattle market.

A summary of some of the key points to consider about producing and supplying cattle to the European Union (EU) market, including contacts.

An Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) is the minimum time that should elapse between administration of a veterinary medicine to animals and their slaughter for export. ESIs manage differences…