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Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Mackay Whitsunday region, including: Setaria, Rhodes, Signal grass, Tully and Pangola grass.
There is a large variation in land types across northern Australia and each land type has a different grazing value and carrying capacity. Indicative stocking rates for each…
AL land types are mapped regional ecosystems not suitable for grazing. References Gilbert, M.A., Moody, P.W. and Shaw, K. A. Fertility assessment of soils of the Mount Garnet…
Land types of Queensland are based on a wealth of research and consultation with producers, agency scientists and extension officers: find out who here.
Land types of Queensland: updates; recommended citation; version history; conditions of use, and; contacts for more information.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Southern Brigalow and New England Tablelands, including: alluvial; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; Maranoa Mitchell grass; narrow-leaved ironbark; etc.
There are 14 pasture photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Wide Bay and South East Queensland region. These include: Alluvial (PDF, 417KB) Basalt…
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the North West Highlands, including: alluvial; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth, and; Mitchell grass.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Mulga Lands, including: alluvial; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum; Mitchell grass; mulga; silver-leaved ironbark, and; spinifex desert uplands.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Mitchell Grass Downs, including: alluvial; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; Mitchell grass; Mulga, and; spinifex desert uplands.