How to be profitable in the north
A new manual produced by MLA provides a roadmap for northern beef producers wanting to improve their bottom line.
Improving the performance of northern beef enterprises – key findings for producers from the Northern Beef Report focuses on the traits of producers in the top 25%. One of their main attributes is they control what they can control by:
Influencing their herd productivity
- increasing the reproduction rate
- decreasing mortality
- hitting turnoff weights quickly.
By being business savvy
- thinking independently and differently
- taking a business-like approach to decision making
- having a plan and sticking to it
- seeking new information, assessing it and applying it to benefit their business
- getting the simple things right (reproduction rate, mortality and turnoff weight).
By managing their operating expenses
- variable costs are targeted and effective – every dollar invested needs to make a return
- focusing on scale to decrease overheads
- improving labour efficiency.
For more information, download the Improving the performance of northern beef enterprises (PDF 17 MB).