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GLM and soil health workshop Bluff

Date: Sunday 2 February 2014
9:00am-4:00pm AEST
Event category:
Venue Bluff Hotel
Capricorn Highway
Bluff, Qld 4702 Australia
+ Google Map

Improve your productivity, profitability and sustainability

Grazing BMP is a voluntary industry led self assessment program, helping graziers plan for long term sustainability.

Topics covered in the grazing land management and soil health modules allow participants to gain an understanding of:

  • how to assess land capability and condition
  • soil and its current condition and capabilities.

RSVP Thursday 6 February

Morning tea and lunch provided.

For more information or to RSVP contact
Marina Wall, Fitzroy Basin Association
T: 07 4985 7511 M: 0428 985 440
E: marina.wall@fba.org.au