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Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium

Start: Thursday 26 September 2013 @ 9:00am
End: Friday 27 September 2013 @ 5:00pm
Event category:

The 2013 Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium (SELM) is being held in conjunction with the 2013 International Grasslands Congress (ICG).

Topics covered will include:

  • Precision livestock management
  • Remote autonomous monitoring of animals
  • Vegetation and environment
  • GNSS/GPS livestock tracking
  • Virtual fencing
  • National scale livestock movement analysis
  • Behavioural modelling in livestock
  • Remote sensing of pastures
  • Spatial pasture modelling

Post ICG and pre-SELM SMARTfarm / Precision Grazing Management tour

This tour will run from 22-24 September and comprises a tour based around Armidale in northern NSW. The tour will include visits to the UNE campus, UNE SMARTfarm, CSIRO Chiswick Research Station and Sundown Pastoral’s “Sundown Valley” property.

The tour highlights include a hands-on technology demonstration by the UNE Precision Agriculture Livestock Group including the use of EM38 sensors, Crop Circle and Greenseeker Active Optical Sensors, Raptor airborne multispectral and thermal systems and various data management systems used in a grazing systems context.

Participants will also get a practical tutorial session on the use of the Pastures From Space program. See GPS livestock tracking, Taggle ear tag tracking, Pedigree Matchmaker, walk-over-weigh systems, auto-drafting, soil moisture and climate sensor networks, satellite pasture biomass monitoring, active optical sensing for pasture biomass and growth, farm based video conferencing and precision fertiliser management strategies.

For more information please contact:
Lachlan Ingram
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Agriculture and Environment
The University of Sydney
M: 0458 767 677 or E: lachlan.ingram@sydney.edu.au

Mark Trotter
Research Lecturer (Precision Agriculture)
CRC for Spatial Information & Precision Agriculture Research Group
University of New England
T: 02 6773 2465 or E: mtrotter@une.edu.au