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Family wellbeing in the face of ongoing stress – webinar

29-July from 10:00 to 11:00


Event tags:
Date: Wednesday 29 July 2020
Cost: Free
Event category:
Website: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Bn-Q6FRBRAWdlRppLdQFcQ

Hear what the research tells us about adult relationships, family roles and children’s experience through droughts, alongside practical tips on how to support children as well as adult relationships.

Speakers at this webinar will be Dr. Margaret Alston, Stephanie Schmidt and Dr. Margaret Nixon.

Click here to register!

More about the speakers

Dr Margaret Nixon, Senior Trauma Specialist, Australian National University
Margaret has over 20 years experience in education and research in the field of children’s mental health and wellbeing and trauma. She has worked in various education settings in Australia and overseas and is currently a senior trauma specialist at the Australian Child & Adolescent Trauma, Loss & Grief Network (ACATLGN) at the Australian National University.
Stephanie Schmidt, Clinical Psychologist
Stephanie is a Clinical Psychologist and farmer in South Australia. She lives with her husband and 2 young sons and is passionate about developing a resilient rural Australia. Stephanie combines her psychological knowledge with her lived experience of farming life to provide easy to understand strategies to improve health and wellbeing.
Dr Margaret Alston, Professor at the School of Humanities and Social Science, Newcastle University
Margaret a Professor at the School of Humanities and Social Science at Newcastle University. Previously the head of Social Work at Monash University, she has a focus on rurality and gender and has published widely in the field of gender and disasters, social work and rural social issues.