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Setting up for success with confinement feeding – Webinar

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Date: Thursday 22 October 2020
4:00pm-5:00pm AEST
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Website: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kcu2qrjwoGN0LzCdcyP5En8Iyzy1OSbIX
Venue Online webinar

Join the Livestock Advisor Updates for the Setting up for success with confinement feeding webinar.

Confinement feeding is becoming known as a best practice strategy for many livestock producers to manage ground cover and protect the soil.

This webinar will provide insight into some of the success factors of confinement feeding sheep and cattle in different production regions around Australia.

The webinar will feature a panel discussion with three experienced producers, David Counsell, Jason Stokes and Tom Sweeney, facilitated by Meg Bell.

  • Meg Bell runs her own business, ‘Coleraine Livestock Consulting‘. Meg grew up on a beef and cropping property in South Australia and since finishing university has had experience in various livestock industries in Victoria and South Australia. Meg works with individual producers and farmer groups.
  • David Counsell operates a property at Barcaldine in Central Western Queensland, where he has a core wool sheep flock and seasonally runs cattle on agistment. Currently severely droughted, David will share his experience with drought confinement feedlots.
  • Jason Stokes runs a Merino and white Suffolk livestock enterprise on his mixed farm in the northern wheat belt of Western Australia. Jason takes a keen interest in industry development through hosting on-farm trials and veterinary student placements and is a member of the GRDC Geraldton Port Zone Grower Network.
  • Tom Sweeney has over thirty years’ experience managing livestock enterprises. He has experience in livestock confinement feeding in Victoria as well as beef and sheep feedlot enterprises, always with a focus on the best welfare practices.

Click here to register!

For more information, contact Jo Jones, Livestock Advisor Updates coordinator: livestockadvisorupdates@pinionadvisory.com