Out and about with the pasture team April – June 2024

We hope you enjoy these pics of the Queensland Pasture Resilience team out and about doing their thing — spreading the good news at field days and BEEF 2024 and doing lots of field work!

Field days

The team have hosted and attended several field days across the state. Use the arrows below each image to scroll left and right.

Beef Australia

Beef Australia was busy with property tours, time at the Queensland Government Precinct and a pasture seminar. Use the arrows below each image to scroll left and right.

Field work

We’ve been busy conducting our end of growing season measurements. Use the arrows below each image to scroll left and right.

The Queensland Pasture Resilience Program is a partnership between the Department of Agriculture and FisheriesMeat & Livestock Australia and the Australian Government through the MLA Donor Company. The five-year program aims to help Queensland producers tackle the three big threats to beef production: land condition decline, pasture rundown and pasture dieback.