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Mental health first aid — Charleville

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Start: Monday 10 February 2025 @ 9:00am
End: Tuesday 11 February 2025 @ 4:00pm
Cost: Free
Event category:
Venue SQRH Building, Charleville Hospital
72 King street
Charleville, Qld 4470 Australia
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Become a mental health first aider

About 1 in 5 Australian adults experience a common mental illness each year. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training will teach you practical skills to support someone with a mental health problem. Make a real difference to people in your community.

Learn practical first aid skills

  • Recognise common mental health problems
  • Provide initial help using a practical, evidence-based action plan
  • Seek appropriate professional help
  • Respond in a crisis situation.

Standard Mental health first aid training benefits include:

  • Improves knowledge of mental illnesses, treatments and first aid actions.
  • Increases confidence in providing first aid.
  • Decreases stigmatising attitudes.
  • Increases the support provided to others.

Please note: This is a 12-hour educational course, not a therapy or support group.

Register today!

To register for Mental Health First Aid in Charleville, 10-11 February, contact Kelly Harms on 0418 345 233.

Mental Health First Aid – Charleville 2025