Additional flood freight subsidy, restocking and agistment assistance

If you are a primary producer who suffered livestock losses in the monsoonal flood event earlier this year, or live in a drought-declared shire, you can apply for additional freight subsidies for restocking or for sending stock to agistment in the flooded shires.
The Flood Freight Subsidy Restocking and Agistment Scheme provides restocking freight subsidies of up to 50 percent to a maximum of $50 000 per year for two years after the floods for producers in the Burke, Carpentaria, Cloncurry, Flinders, McKinlay, Richmond and Winton shires.
The scheme also provides freight subsidies for all drought-declared Queensland producers for the transport of livestock to agistment in the above shires with a maximum subsidy of up to 50 percent to a maximum of $50 000 until 14 February 2020.
The subsidies are part of the $242 million long-term recovery package under the joint Commonwealth-Queensland Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and will help accelerate recovery and boost short-term income for North West Queensland producers. To read the guidelines and check your eligibility visit or call the Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23.