Calculating the economics of agistment
Senior Extension Officer, Roger Sneath, has created an agistment calculator to help estimate the cost and returns of sending stock away on agistment, either on a one-way trip or to return home.
“We developed it with a beef producer during a workshop that was held in Bollon, as we were discussing whole-of-farm economics at the time,” said Roger, “and we thought that perhaps other people might find it useful as well.”
Some people may be scared to use excel spreadsheets, though they should have no fear, this one is dead easy to use. Just enter your own information where there are blue figures and the calculator does the rest. You can quickly test the costs and returns of different “what if” situations.
To download the calculator, click here: Economics of Agistment Calculator (Excel, 19 KB)
In addition, Roger has made a narrated slide show presentation that steps through how to get the most out of the agistment calculator. Click the play button below to watch Roger’s helpful presentation.
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