Call for producer representatives for the western QLD Regional Beef Research Committee

The Western Queensland Regional Beef Research Committee (WQRBRC) is one of eleven Regional Beef Research Committees across the north of Australia. These regional committees provide grassroots input to the Northern Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC) and are at the heart of its continuing success. Regional committees are comprised of producers and local research, development and extension (RD&E) personnel from a wide range of organisations. Chairs of the regional committees also play a key role in developing research, development and adoption (RD&A) priorities for Meat & Livestock Australia’s annual call for grass-fed beef RD&A projects.

The Regional Beef Research Committees:

  • Identify problems and needs that may be solved by research, development, education, extension and training.
  • Assess the relative importance of these identified needs and the potential benefits to the region.
  • Recommend research portfolio distribution at a regional level across providers as an efficient integrated strategy
  • Assess the resources required for research, and recommend ways in which these may be acquired.
  • Ensure appropriate consideration of the likely impact of any new technology on the local environment in both the short and the long-term.
  • Facilitate the dissemination of research results to the region and to provide feedback on the adoption of new technologies.
  • Monitor the progress of research projects and programs in the region.
  • Provide input to participating organisations to assist with the development and review of strategic plans.
  • Provide input to assist the development of project proposals when necessary.
  • Encourage appropriate training for RBRC members.
  • Report to NABRC on achievements.

Committee meetings are generally held twice per year, some time commitment will be required outside of these meetings. The current WQRBRC is comprised of producer, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and regional University representatives.

We are now seeking two (2) producer representatives to join the WQRBRC. In particular, we are looking for representation from the Paroo, Bulloo, Quilpie, Murweh, Barcoo or Diamantina shires, though we welcome applications from anyone in the WQRBRC region.

To apply:

  • Submit a one page response detailing your experience in the industry and your interest in joining the WQRBRC
  • Send to Kiri Broad via email or post to PO Box 519 Longreach Qld 4730
  • Applications are due 16 February 2018.

For more information about the role and activities of the WQRBRC, please visit or email Kiri Broad or telephone 07 4536 8301.