Calling all early-career livestock advisors
Bursary opportunity for early-career livestock advisors to attend 2021 Brisbane Livestock Advisor Updates event

Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) Livestock Advisor Updates events are regionally relevant, one-day technical workshops held in northern, southern and western Australia.
The workshops provide opportunities for livestock advisors and professional extension consultants to learn about the latest red meat research and development, gain skills, tools and knowledge to increase their offering to clients and an opportunity to network with their peers.
The inaugural Livestock Advisor Updates (LAU) events were held in Brisbane, Sydney and Perth in 2019. After a pause in 2020 due to COVID-19, the Brisbane event for 2021 is locked in for Monday 30 August.
Each year two bursaries are offered for each location, to support early career advisors to attend the event. Bursaries are now open for the Brisbane event.
“These bursaries support the entry of new industry participants into livestock industry roles. The events provide a great opportunity for new advisors to expand their network and their knowledge base,” MLA LAU program manager Keely Kovacevic said.
“Bursaries are to the value of $400 as well as a ticket to the Brisbane event.”
Bursary applications are now open and close on 13 July. The link to the application form can be found on the MLA website or by clicking here.
The Livestock Advisor Updates event programs are developed by a technical working group. The groups work hard to design events that build skills for advisors to support their clients to address key issues and opportunities in their region.
“This year’s program contains updates on tools and resources that livestock advisors can take away and use to support their producer clients,” Keely said.
“It is a diverse program, covering issues from best practice pain relief and vaccination through to supporting producers to use science to inform their decision-making.”
For more information on the Brisbane 2021 Livestock Advisor Updates event, visit the Meat & Livestock Australia website.