Can land management plans help graziers?

A new video on land management will help landholders identify and improve land in poor or degraded condition, through the Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries GRASS program leader Matt Brown said that there was significant interest in the program from graziers, but program partners were keen to spread the word further and let more graziers know about ways to improve the condition of their land and its long term grazing potential.

“The video is a quick way for graziers to find out about the program and how it can help to improve land condition and the profitability of their beef enterprises.

“We know that graziers are in this for the long haul and are keen to adopt the best land management strategies they can and learn about new sources of assistance.

“We’ve been really pleased with the uptake so far and now are looking for a new tranche of graziers to come forward and take part in the program.

“As well as improving the long term sustainability of grazing properties, the GRASS program will provide advice to graziers on other aspects of herd and property management, giving them the reassurance that they are following up-to-date management strategies for their businesses.”

View the film on Queensland Agriculture’s YouTube page or by following this link.

The GRASS program is funded through the Queensland Government’s Reef Water Quality Program and delivered by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Burnett Mary Regional Group, Fitzroy Basin Association and NQ Dry Tropics.

Graziers can apply to participate in the GRASS Program by calling DAF on 13 25 23 or by contacting their local participating Natural Resource Management group or extension officer.