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Beef industry forum

Date: Sunday 13 April 2014
8:15am-4:00pm AEST
Event category:
Venue Karma Waters Station
Mareeba, Qld 4880 Australia
+ Google Map

Tackling the tuff times

Featuring guest speaker – Richard Rains (Sanger Australia)

Richard convinced McDonalds North America that they should use Aussie beef in their burgers and was instrumental in establishing that trade for Australia, not only in USA but also Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, and much of South East Asia as well as domestically in Australia.

Other topics include:

  • Carbon and cattle – Finding the Win:Win
  • Breeders productivity and cost effective supplementation
  • Understanding your beef business – Current debt, cash flow and profitability challenges
  • Q&A session with our local bankers
  • Stylos and boosting liveweight gains
  • New grass and legume research in north Queensland
  • Have your SAY – The Gulf Graziers’ Group wants your feedback.

Smoko and BBQ lunch provided

RSVP Thursday 8 May 2014

For more information and to register please contact
Olivia Pisani E: olivia.pisani@daf.qld.gov.au or
Joe Rolfe T: 0427 378 412

Download event flyer (PDF, 1.71MB)