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Business EDGE Young Guns- Charters Towers Copy

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Start: Tuesday 11 March 2025 @ 8:00am
End: Wednesday 12 March 2025 @ 5:00pm
Cost: $1750
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Website: https://bushagri.com.au/events/event/charters-towers-young-guns-business-edge-workshop
Venue Charters Towers
Charters Towers, Australia

Business EDGE Young Guns- Charters Towers

Get your head around more of the ‘business side’ of your business…

Date: 11-12 March 2025

Time: 8.00am to 5.00pm both days

Venue: Charters Towers, QLD

Presented by Bush AgriBusiness

Cost includes comprehensive set of Workshop Notes, Workbook, decision support spreadsheet tools and all catering.

To register, visit BUSHAGRI website

Who to contact for more information: Contact deliverer Simone Parker on M: 0408 818 043 or admin@bushagri.com.au