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Changes to compulsory requirements for transporting livestock

Date: Wednesday 12 March 2014
12:00pm-1:00pm AEST
Event category:

Webinar Location: Queensland

Biosecurity Queensland is holding a series of webinars to help answer questions about the changes to the compulsory requirements for transporting livestock. While the new laws came into effect on 31 January 2014, there is a six month grace period for enforcement.

Before the grace period expires on 1 August 2014, Biosecurity Queensland is providing webinars to discuss the changes to the code which resulted from discussions between the livestock industries, scientists, welfare agencies and government and aim to safeguard the welfare of livestock being transported.

Register for the webinar at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8022038292204991234 or by calling 13 25 23.

For more information on the national transportation standards visit www.australiananimalwelfare.com.au.