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Forecasting and decision making – Cloncurry
Date: | Friday 16 October 2020 |
Time: |
8:30am-2:30pm AEST
Event category: | Past event |
Venue |
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Are you one of the 70% of producers reading their weather forecasts incorrectly?
The Northern Australia Climate Program’s (NACP) regionally located ‘Climate Mates’ deliver climate and forecasting workshops across Northern Australia. During these workshops, the team discovered that 7/10 producers have been
misinterpreting the rainfall forecast for years!
NACP is now offering an online short course, Forecasting for Decision-Making, that has been designed to upskill producers to get the most out of the weather forecasts and read them accurately.
The Climate and Forecasting workshop will cover:
- El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
- Madden Julien Oscillation (MJO);
- Interpreting the forecast.
One-on-one follow up ensures this information is tailored to your property.
Supported by the Bureau of Meteorology and the UK Met office, this course will give you the knowledge to correctly interpret and use forecasting as a productive tool in decision-making.
Register today for the Climate and Forecasting Workshop!
Places are limited, so register now and connect with the best climate and forecast researchers in the business.
To register, contact Megan Munchenberg on 0429 433 773
Find out more at: nacp.org.au/outreach/training/launchpad or contact nacp@usq.edu.au