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Croydon Next Generation BeefUp forum for 18-35 year olds

Date: Friday 22 June 2012
9:00am-6:00pm AEST
Event category:

Next Generation BeefUp forums are designed specifically for 18-35 years olds with an interest in the beef industry. The Croydon program was developed by a group of local producers and overseen by the Organising Committee.

MLA’s BeefUp forums have been developed to help northern beef producers make more money from their beef production enterprises.

Expert presentations focus on the key profit drivers of beef businesses and sustainability practices that can make a significant difference to an enterprises bottom line, including:

  • Understanding and managing profit drivers
  • Nutritional technologies to improve animal performance, better target markets and improve profitability
  • Innovative heifer and breeder management practices to improve turnoff
  • Strategies to improve land condition for long-term sustainability and greater profits
  • Updates on the latest factors affecting markets here and overseas.

Download event flyer (PDF, 469KB)

Cost: Entry to forum costs $20 per person, including refreshments.

To register: You can register by calling 1800 675 717.