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2019 Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association Conference – Darwin, NT

Event tags:
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Start: Thursday 28 March 2019
End: Friday 29 March 2019
Event category: ,
Venue Darwin Convention Centre
10 Stokes Hill Road
Darwin, NT 0800 Australia
+ Google Map

Registrations for the NTCA 35th AGM and Industry Conference are now open!

Make sure to get in quickly to avoid disappointment.


Location: Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin, NT

Day 1: Thursday 28 March 2019

  • NTCA Ladies Lunch
  • NTCA & Pioneer Water Tanks Welcome Drinks

Day 2: Friday 29 March 2019

  • 35th NTCA Industry Conference
  • NTCA & AACo Gala Dinner

The conference program will be designed to challenge, stimulate and promote thought and discussion. The theme for the 2019 conference is ‘High Steaks’ and will focus on the opportunities and challenges currently faced by the northern cattle industry in a changing world.

More information will be posted here in the coming months.

The location for the AGM, Conference and Gala Dinner will be the Darwin Convention Centre.

Locations of the Ladies Lunch and Welcome Drinks will be advised in the coming weeks.

Tickets can be purchased online here: https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/ZMBL1E/tickets.html