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Schools Plant Science Competition 2015

Date: Tuesday 18 August 2015
8:45am-2:30pm AEST
Event category: ,
Venue Hermitage Research Station
604 Yangan Road
Warwick, Qld 4370 Australia

Awards day and agriculture science expo—2015 Hermitage Research Facility Schools Plant Science Competition

Come along and enjoy:

  • the plant science competition formal awards ceremony—guest speakers include Professor John Evans (ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis) and Mr Jack Noye (DAF Director-General)
  • a tour of Hermitage—presentations on photosynthesis research and current DAF research projects including pulses, sorghum, barley, grain storage, residue detection dog team and fisheries
  • a BBQ lunch
  • ‘science show’ alley—interactive displays and presentations featuring DNA extractions, ‘lollecules’ (3D molecule construction with lollies), horticulture and entomology, beekeeping, biosecurity, drone static display, Warwick State High School agriculture and angora goats, the Scots PGC College agriculture, cattle and sheep, animal nursery, farm machinery, competition entries and artwork, and science careers information.

Don’t miss out on the free Hermitage science extravaganza—make sure you RSVP by Friday 7 August.

Call Kerrie Rubie on (07) 4660 3601 or 13 25 23, or email kerrie.rubie@daf.qld.gov.au.