One-stop-shop flood recovery help and assistance – Hughenden

Diggers Entertainment Centre 19 Flinders Street, Hughenden, Qld, Australia

Free information sessions are being held across the recently flood affected shires of north-west Queensland. Agencies on site at each location include: All charities operating in the region…


One-stop-shop flood recovery help and assistance – Richmond

Richmond Shire Hall - Supper Room 50 Goldring Street, Richmond, Qld, Australia

Free information sessions are being held across the recently flood affected shires of north-west Queensland. Agencies on site at each location include: All charities operating in the region…


Practical exclusion fencing – Stanthorpe

College of Wine Tourism 22 Caves Road, Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia

Tips and tricks for practical exclusion fencing - Traprock and Stanthorpe regions For producers who have built, are maintaining or are interested in exclusion fences, this event is…


One-stop-shop flood recovery help and assistance – Julia Creek

McKinlay Shire Hall 29 Burke Street, Julia Creek, Queensland, Australia

Free information sessions are being held across the recently flood affected shires of north-west Queensland. Agencies on site at each location include: All charities operating in the region…


One-stop-shop flood recovery help and assistance – Cloncurry

Selwyn and Mary Kathleen Rooms, Cloncurry Community Precinct 37 Scarr St, Cloncurry, Qld, Australia

Free information sessions are being held across the recently flood affected shires of north-west Queensland. Agencies on site at each location include: All charities operating in the region…


Grazing BMP accelerated workshop – Moura

Moura Tavern 8 Bell Street, Moura, Qld, Australia

Grazing Best Management Practices (BMP) is a voluntary, industry-led tool assisting graziers to identify changes that can improve long-term profitability, productivity and sustainability. In this two day accelerated…


Grazing BMP accelerated workshop – Biggenden

Biggenden Memorial Hall Victoria and Frederick Streets, Biggenden, Qld, Australia

Grazing Best Management Practices (BMP) is a voluntary industry-led tool assisting graziers to identify changes that can improve long-term profitability, productivity and sustainability. In this two day accelerated…


Pest Animal and Weed Symposium 2019 – Gold Coast

Sea World Resort Conference Centre Seaworld Drive, Main Beach, Qld, Australia

Visit the Pest Animal and Weed Symposium website for the conference program and to register.