
Nutrition EDGE workshop Hughenden

Hughenden Hughenden

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of ruminant nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance targets…

*Cancelled* Grazing BMP Nindigully

Ninidigully Hall Nindigully

Improve your productivity, profitability and sustainability through Grazing BMP. The Grazing BMP program is a voluntary, industry-led process to assist graziers to identify ways to improve practices that…

Breeding EDGE workshop Broome

Roebuck Station Broome-Derby Road, Broome

Breeding EDGE is a three-day workshop designed to assist producers improve and refine their breeder herd management and genetic improvement plans. Participants will be able to develop a…

Business EDGE workshop Goondiwindi

Goondiwindi Goondiwindi

Is your grazing business providing you with more than just a job? Business EDGE is a comprehensive two-day workshop for owners and managers of grazing enterprises. It’s specifically…