Grazing BMP workshop Twin Hills

Complete all five Grazing BMP modules: people and business, animal production, animal health and welfare, soil health, and grazing land management: Analyse your business to identify the strengths,…

The Leucaena Network Conference

Emerald Agricultural College Capricorn Highway, Emerald, Qld, Australia

Reinvigorating leucaena The Leucaena Network presents the 14th Annual Leucaena Conference followed by the annual general meeting and farm tour. Guest speakers: Prof. Max Sheldon (UQ) – Psyllid-resistant…

WA beef and sheepmeat producer forum

Wellard Agri Property Hyfield, Kojonup, WA, Australia

The ‘WA beef and sheepmeat producer forum’ is jointly hosted by the Cattle Council of Australia and the Sheepmeat Council of Australia, together with the Western Australian Farmers…

Drought assistance available Goondiwindi

Goondiwindi Waggamba Community Cultural Centre Corner Russell and Short Streets, Goondiwindi, Qld, Australia

Date claimer For more information on this session please contact Sue-Anne Topp, DAF Toowoomba T: 07 4688 1605 E:

Soil health forum

Babinda RSL School Street, Babinda, Qld, Australia

Designed for farmers – a hands-on, interactive look at what’s going on in your soil Meet the experts from 8.30am each day. Evening session includes Q & A…

Drought assistance available Moonie

Moonie Crossroads Cnr Moonie and Leichhardt Highways, Moonie, Qld, Australia

Date claimer For more information on this session please contact Sue-Anne Topp, DAF Toowoomba T: 07 4688 1605 E:

WA Meat Profit Day

Irwin Recreation Centre 1 Ridley Street, Port Denison, WA, Australia

‘Meating’ expectation and thriving The WA Meat Profit Day Committee and Meat & Livestock Australia are excited to be hosting the 2014 Meat Profit Day themed ‘Meating’ expectation…

Drought assistance available Tara

Western Downs Regional Council Tara Customer Service Centre 19 Fry Street, Tara, Qld, Australia

Date claimer For more information on this session please contact Sue-Anne Topp, DAF Toowoomba T: 07 4688 1605 E:

Biosecurity workshop: Rolleston

The Livestock Biosecurity Network, in collaboration with AgForce and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, present an interactive pilot workshop to assist producers to develop an on-farm biosecurity…

What’s on the menu for your livestock?

Longreach Pastoral College Landsborough Highway, Longreach, Qld, Australia

All producers are invited to attend the information sessions covering: Grazing pressure – influence your pasture’s performance and future Managing the pasture quality Managing what’s grazing your pasture…