Grazing trial demonstration, leucaena and genetics feature at upcoming Goshen Field Day

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and hosts, the Blennerhassett family, would like to invite graziers to attend the Goshen Field Day on Wednesday, 9 October. Being held on-station at Goshen, via Mount Garnet on the Gunnawarra Road, the day will feature results from various projects the family is involved in.

Extension Officer, Bernie English, will be one of the key presenters at the event. “Goshen is one of four Northern Grazing Demonstration sites. The Northern Grazing Demonstration is about extending the key principles from the Wambiana Grazing Trial to commercial properties” Bernie said. One such principle is the critical nature of ground cover at the end of the dry season for pasture recovery and reducing soil loss through erosion during the wet season. “It’s all about adjusting stocking rates to manage how much is left in the paddock before the expect rain comes” Bernie said.

Run in conjunction with the Northern Genomics Project, the project simultaneously collects land condition and animal data to present a whole-of-productivity picture. Shannon Landmark from QAAFI will discuss the collected animal data while providing insights into improving herd fertility in the northern dry tropics. Bull selection plays a key role within a productive herd. Tim Emery of Tropical Beef Technology Services will present a session regarding improving bull buying skills.

Goshen has been one of the first properties in the Far North to plant the new Redlands leucaena variety, as part of the Redlands to the Regions project. “The development of the new psyllid resistant variety of leucaena has potential to change beef production in this area” said presenter at the field day and Extension Officer, Joe Rolfe. Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear directly from Brett Blennerhassett about his experience with Redlands to date, specifically in regards to animal performance.

Although Goshen Field Day is free to attend, RSVP is required by Monday 6 October for catering purposes.

To RSVP or obtain directions to the event, contact Bernie English on 0427 146 063.

Download the event flyer: Goshen Field Day (PDF, 2.5 MB)