MLA BeefUp forums
MLA’s Beef Up forums are designed to help northern beef producers maximise production on their enterprises.
The forum program is designed to provide clear and practical information and tools that producers can take home and put into practice on-farm immediately.
Clermont and Calliope are the locations for the July forums and the program will provide producers with:
- Australian beef market update
- Managing your beef business – analysing production profit drivers and cost of production
- Using CashCow benchmarks to manage reproductive efficiency
- Boosting liveweight gain by getting more from pastures
- Having a Game Plan for the future of your business
- Demand creation – getting people to want to eat more meat
A key of this program is enabling producers to build on the presentation by providing real life stories and asking questions that will help solve on-farm issues.
For more about the BeefUp forums, click here.