New face for local agribusiness financial counselling

Local beef extension officers, Karl McKellar and Jo Gangemi, recently caught up with Kate Holt, Rural Financial Counselling Service North Queensland (RFCSNQ), now based in Charters Towers.

Kate Holt (RFCSNQ) with Karl McKellar and Jo Gangemi (DAF).

Kate provided a brief overview of her new role:

“I have recently moved over to Rural Financial Counselling Service North Queensland (RFCSNQ) based in Charters Towers assisting the rural and grazing industry from Charters Towers to Hughenden and surrounding areas. I have spent the last two years with RFCSNQ as a small business financial counsellor. I come from a rural background and have qualifications in Agribusiness and Accounting. I can provide free assistance to assess and apply for flood and drought support, and to complete a Farm Business Resilience Plan which is a requirement to access a drought preparedness grant through QRIDA.  I am also able to provide assistance and support with financial hardship, cashflow problems and farm debt mediation.”

The beef extension team have been working in partnership with RFCSNQ in helping graziers complete Farm Business Resilience Plans.  If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch.

Kate Holt, RFCSNQ – M: 0484 359 486  E:

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