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Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for cattle, required for skeletal growth, muscle development, metabolism, and milk production. A deficiency increases the mortality rate in cows, reduces growth…
Beef grazing on native pastures is the key land use in the seasonally dry zone of north Queensland but animal productivity is limited by poor feed supply during…
Legumes have been shown to significantly increase production and returns compared to grass only pastures, however successful adoption of legumes remains low in the Brigalow Belt. There are…
Reproductive disease management can be easily overlooked within a beef cattle enterprise, and it requires appropriate management to minimise the impacts on productivity and profitability. In this webinar…
Breeding herds with an increasing proportion of polled animals is highly topical in the Australian beef industry. Producer and public concerns surrounding dehorning mean that actively selecting for…
Transporting and handling livestock is a specialist task and one which the whole supply chain relies on to be performed safely, efficiently, and professionally to protect our animals,…
Are you interested in undertaking an economic evaluation of your supply chain pathways to get a triple bottom line for adopting specific management options? Using benefit cost analysis,…
Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD) threaten Australia’s livestock industry, and northern Australia is one of the biggest risk pathways for a disease incursion. Industry preparedness should be at the…
Leucaena leucocephala, a perennial browse legume, represents one of the few nutritional options to significantly improve beef productivity in northern Australia. Recently, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)…
Pasture dieback: Outcomes from 7 years of DAF research, development and extension across Queensland.
Over the last 7 years the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has conducted research, development and extension activities across Queensland to support beef producers affected by pasture…