
Dionne Walsh conducting a back burn - grass on fire.Looking for 2023 Queensland Bushfire Recovery information? Click here


Bushfires can develop from a range of sources; planned controlled burning that escapes the original burn zone, embers from a cigarette or unattended campfire, lightning strikes, or deliberate arson.

Fires can be quick to establish, spread rapidly, and their path can be difficult to predict. Losses can occur to stock, pasture, and infrastructure. Even if stock are not directly affected, the loss of pasture often has longer-term implications for supplementary feeding and stocking rates.



State Government bushfire information can be found below:


Fire Maps can be found on the North Australia Fire Information website here: North Australian Fire Information (NAFI)

The Geoscience Australia webpage provides resources to help your organisation become prepared for natural hazards. Find the resources here: Geoscience Australia

ABC bushfire reports can be found on the below link: ABC media reports