How to get the most out of your breeders in Northern Gulf continuous mating systems: Fact sheet

This fact sheet outlines key management strategies on how to get the most out of your breeders in Northern Gulf continuous mating systems.

Year-round mating is common practice for northern Australian beef properties, due to the difficulty in managing the bulls across extensive areas. As a result, many calves are born during the dry season, when the nutritional quality of feed is low, and the nutritional demands of a lactating cow cannot be met. The consequences of this are poor reconception rates, high mortalities, and low rebreeding rates. There are several management strategies that can be implemented into year-round mated systems that can improve rebreeding rates, reduce supplementation and mustering costs, decrease mortality rates, and overall increase your profit margins.

Download your copy here: How to get the most out of your breeders in Northern Gulf continuous mating systems (5MB)

Read more in the How to get the most out of your breeders in Northern continuous mating systems article.

The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Queensland Government’s Drought and Climate Adaptation Program.