


Travelling around the Northern Dry Tropics, Bernie and I regularly see bare paddocks on the same properties. It is accepted that there is often flogging around waters and…

We often hear the saying, ‘more cattle means more money’. But is this always the case? At Grazing land management EDGE and Nutrition EDGE workshops many producers have…

Not all changes in land condition occur at the same rate and some are not easily reversible. As demonstrated in the ABCD land condition rolling ball framework below,…

Land condition determines the capacity of grazing land to produce useful forage for livestock. What condition is your land in? Find out more here.

As we all know, over-stocking causes stress on stock, pastures, soil and in the long term bank balances. Estimating the carrying capacity of your land and stocking according…

Grazing trials have shown the impact of stocking rate (SR) to be variable in terms of profitability and sustainability. The impact of management on land condition, both positive…

Key messages Forage budgeting is a method of estimating how long a specific number of animals can stay in a paddock without negatively impacting the landscape. The success…

A range of environmental management resources for beef cattle producers and land managers in northern Australia.

The law of diminishing returns and the fallacy of numbers More cattle usually means more production in total but some loss of production per head. Eventually, more cattle…

Grazing land management is about managing your cattle to make the most of your pastures while maintaining or improving land condition and biodiversity.