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Parkinsonia is classified as a “Weed of National Significance” due to its invasiveness, potential for spread, and its economic and environmental impacts. It has invaded over 800,000 hectares…
The Archaeaphage therapy to control rumen methanogens project investigated developing a library of phages (bacterial viruses) capable of combating dominant rumen methanogens, to help reduce methane emissions from extensive livestock in…
The Stocktake4Reef e-learning package adapted the Stocktake4Reef workshop into an interactive e-learning package with a view to increasing participation and access. It also integrated other eTechnologies including webinars, apps and…
The Pigeon Hole Project, located in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory, was initiated to identify strategies to improve the profitability and sustainability of large cattle…
The Phone app for pasture management – overview of development project built on the findings of the preliminary investigation to develop a smart phone grazing land management application…
The Phone app for pasture management – preliminary investigation into the development of an electronic forage budget and land condition application, for use on existing hand-held devices, for…
In this short video, Bob Shepherd (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Principal Extension Officer at Charters Towers) explains why you need ground cover. Visit the Grazing and land…
Eric Simon, beef cattle producer from May Downs, Queensland, discusses the importance of good records and how these help monitor cattle production and business performance. More information and…
Body condition score is an important driver of business profitability and in this video, Eric Simon (cattle producer from May Downs in Queensland) discusses three key topics that help…
Biosecurity is an important consideration for every land manager. Protecting your property from disease and weed risks is essential. In this short video, Ann Coward, a grazier from Calliope in…