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Farm safety is an important component of any beef business. Sadly, farm fatalities are all too common. In this short video Brigid Price, from the Arcadia Valley, north…
Dan and Emma Jane Burnham, graziers at Stonehaven near Thangool in Queensland, have been busy managing and minimising soil erosion on their property. Watch and see how they…
In this short video, Melinee and Rob Leather from Barfield Station, Banana in Queensland discuss how they use mapping technology to strategically locate water points on their property.…
Melinee Leather, a beef producer at Banana in Queensland, discusses what the cattle welfare standards mean for your business in this short video. From 1 October 2017, producers needed…
In this short video, Richard and Amy Holcombe share their experiences of growing grass for good ground cover on their property in Moura, Queensland. Visit the Grazing and…
Forecasts and trends in Queensland agricultural, fisheries and forestry production, including industry performance, consumer behaviour and social and demographic trends.
Water is one of the most important factors of successful livestock production. If water quality is poor livestock drink less. When livestock drink less, they eat less, lose condition and have less milk. These Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, pages cover: water salinity, blue-green algae, contamination, water testing and where to get more information.
This Meat & Livestock Australia factsheet provides information on determining which calves require treatment for scours, how to select and use oral electrolyte solutions for best results and when to consult your veterinarian during a calf scours outbreak.
This manual offers best practice management options to land managers dealing with weedy Sporobolus grasses, including giant rat’s tail grass (GRT) and giant Parramatta grass.
In many regions of northern Australia, phosphorus is a serious nutritional limitation to cattle production. Phosphorus deficiency results in poor performance in most of the factors that make beef production efficient and profitable. This book outlines general principles that can be applied to strategies and practices when feeding phosphorus to beef cattle.