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This booklet will help you better understand the nutrient value of your pastures and to place a dollar value on all the nutritional inputs required to meet your production targets. You…
This Meat & Livestock Australia guide provides an objective description system to assess beef cattle in low body condition and guidance on their management. Download this guide here (PDF,…
Economic modelling of grazing systems in the Fitzroy and Burdekin catchments was a joint project with the Fitzroy Basin Association and the Queensland Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation. The project…
The Long Paddock hosts a range of useful climate-related maps (including rainfall and pasture growth), climate outlooks, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), publications, calculators and other tools relevant to…
The Managing Indigenous Pastoral Lands manual consists of nine modules and three case studies. Each of the manual modules and case studies provide best practice technical information and…
VegMachine is an online tool that uses satellite imagery to summarise decades of change in Australia’s grazing lands. It’s simple to operate, easy to understand, and free to…
The PREgCHECK® (NCPD) scheme is a nationally recognised quality tail tagging system for the identification and certification of cattle pregnancy status, particularly for sale purposes. It was developed…
North Australia and rangelands fire information (NAFI) displays relevant fire management data, such as hotspots (recently burning fires) and fire scars (recently burnt country) as maps tailored to…
The Farm Data Portal is an interactive tool containing data and outputs from ABARES surveys.