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Four distinct factors impact feedlot profitability: buying price of store cattle selling price of finished cattle cost of the diet cattle performance, as influenced by management. Each factor…
Feed processing usually means altering the physical (and sometimes chemical) nature of feed commodities to optimise utilisation by animals and to enhance mixing and stability of the diet.…
Because of changes in the price and availability of feeds, lot-feeders need to be able to alter the ingredients or ingredient levels in the diet. Demands on feedlot…
Feedlotters need a sound knowledge of nutrition to operate a successful feedlot. Financially, it is important to minimise feed costs, yet optimise liveweight gain and maximise feed conversion…
The Australian Feedlot industry production represents a significant value adding and finishing mechanism to the Australian beef industry – read more…
Cost of production measures the outlay of producing beef in cents per kilogram. It is a tool used by graziers to analyse their operations and benchmark against peers…
A significant volume of representative herd data for northern Australia was produced in a large modelling exercise, conducted under the auspices of the Beef CRC and assisted by…
The following is a set of observations arising from Bill Holmes’ (formerly Queensland Government) involvement first in surveying grazing enterprise profitability in western Queensland in the 1980s, and…
An introduction to the concept of spike feeding beef cattle in northern Australia, what it is, what and how long to feed, potential benefits, etc.
Profitable beef businesses of the future will be those that have already started some years earlier to improve the inherent fertility of their breeder herd through monitoring performance,…