
Practically speaking: Biosecurity — Roma

Biosecurity Queensland, AgForce Queensland and Maranoa Regional Council invite you to come along to Practically Speaking: Biosecurity, Thursday 27th February at Roma Saleyards to discuss recommended biosecurity risk mitigation…

Carbon accounting workshop — Roma

ConnectAg invites you to their Carbon accounting workshop being held at Roma, 10 Novemeber. Are you a grazier or mixed farmer in the Maranoa? Do you want to…

Digitising pasture management — Roma

Enhance your overall grazing management and drought resilience This practical, hands-on workshop will set you up with the skills required to perform and complete a forage budget by…

Soil Pit Day- Roughlie via Roma

Soil Pit Days – Getting Down to Basics At the NARDU main house, Glen Arden Road, NE Roma The field day will visit sites in the paddock and…

Rural and regional business roadshow – Roma

Are you a regional business owner or primary producer? Get up-to-date information about Government support program Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority , Regional Development Australia, Department of…

Nutrition EDGE – Wallumbilla

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of animal nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance…

Creating a value added future Roma

Maranoa women, come join Helen Everingham to look at the things that you value, the things that are important to your way of living, to set you up for the…