
BeefUp Forum – Mundubbera

Join the action at MLA’s BeefUp Forum in Mundubbera. This event will be run in conjunction with the Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association, Droughtmaster Australia and Santa Gertrudis Research…

Game of drones

Using drones, robotics and new technologies is the focus for school students participating in this year’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries School Science Competition. The theme is Game…

Livestock breeding and genetics forum

You are invited to attend Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) Livestock Breeding and Genetics Forum, taking place in Brisbane on 21 February 2018. Technology, data, adoption and linking…

Digital mapping workshop Miles

AgForce Projects are delivering Digital Mapping Workshops in your area. This workshop is an opportunity to develop or fine-tune your property map, and is provided at no cost…

Digital mapping workshop Taroom

AgForce Projects are delivering Digital Mapping Workshops in your area. This workshop is an opportunity to develop or fine-tune your property map, and is provided at no cost…

Digital mapping workshop Roma

AgForce Projects are delivering Digital Mapping Workshops in your area. This workshop is an opportunity to develop or fine-tune your property map, and is provided at no cost…