
Cash Flow and Accounting Workshop – Biloela

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries invites you to the Cash Flow and Accounting Workshop to address the knowledge gap around the difference between Management and Tax accounting.…

Cash Flow and Accounting Workshop – Moura

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries invites you to the Cash Flow and Accounting Workshop to address the knowledge gap around the difference between Management and Tax accounting.…

Changemaker Workshop – Winton

Join the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation for a workshop on becoming a changemaker at Winton on 7-8 May 2025.

Recalibrate Goondiwindi

RECALIBRATE WORKSHOP with Bec Fing, House Paddock Training and Consulting · Do you want to use your time more efficiently? Do you want to get of the treadmill…

Common workforce management issues – webinar

Growcom’s highly regarded Workplace Essentials webinar are hitting the airways again to help farm employers reduce risks and increase efficiency and compliance in their businesses. Common workforce management issues…

Agri-business by Design Emerald

This 12-week agri-business management course will fast-track your business knowledge, and provide you with an overview of the fundamentals of business planning, management and ‘best practice’. Learn how…