The perks of pregnancy testing

Have you thought about how pregnancy testing can help improve the productivity and profitability of your business?

Charleville-based grazier and veterinarian Jacqui Tickell has been pregnancy testing her cows for more than 15 years.

“We started preg testing because we wanted to know how many calves to expect that year and also to sell any empty cows that might not be being productive,” she said.

“Pregnancy testing is important for early detection of herd diseases. They can have a devastating effect on your cash flow if they’re not detected early.

“We split our pregnant cows according to their calving date, and then we shift them into the better wet cow paddocks once they’re close to calving.

“This way, we only ever have to supplement a portion of our herd, which is saving us thousands of dollars.”

To learn more, watch this video or contact your local extension officer.

More information

Managing cow reproduction →

Pregnancy testing, using the results →

If you would like to further develop your skills and consolidate your knowledge, the next Breeding EDGE workshop is being held in Cloncurry, 1-3 November 2023.