WA Producer Innovation Fast Track grants

The Producer Innovation Fast Track (PIFT) grants is a $1 million grants program for Kimberley and Pilbara beef producers to drive technology advances in the northern beef industry.

The program is part of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Developmentā€™s Northern Beef Development initiative assisting pastoralists to optimise potential and capture opportunities.

How much and what for?

The PIFT grants provide up to $20,000 (matched dollar-for-dollar) for northern WA cattle producers who are interested in adopting technologies to boost their business performance, resilience and sustainability.

Funding can be used for adoption of new research and development, technologies and innovation that support improving:

  • business performance and benchmarking
  • sustainable rangeland management practices
  • livestock herd performance
  • labour performance or efficiency.

Potential investments using the grant include:

  • ag-tech
  • digital systems and decision support tools
  • feasibility studies and business plans
  • engaging consultants.

Who can apply?

Funding is restricted to applicants from the Kimberley and Pilbara regions with a beef production enterprise operating with a minimum of 500 adult equivalent cattle and those who seek to adopt proven, regionally relevant research and development, technologies and innovation.

The grant program is not competitive, and funding will be awarded to all applicants who meet the selection criteria, however the level of funding may be reduced if oversubscribed.

Apply today

Applications close 12pm (AWST) on 15 January 2023 via Smartygrants. For more information and to apply for a Producer Innovation Fast Track grant, visit: www.agric.wa.gov.au/PIFT-grants.