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Grazing BMP Accelerated workshop Biloela

Biloela Biloela

Grazing BMP is an industry-lead self-assessment program where graziers can give their beef business a free ‘health check.’ The program is comprised of five modules which cover the…

RCS Keep in Touch Day Bollon

Bollon Bollon

Keep In Touch (KIT) Days are FREE for all to attend. GrazingforProfit™ graduates and other local producers deal with strategic and on ground issues in an informal paddock…

Grazing BMP Accelerated Rolleston

Rolleston Rolleston

Grazing BMP is an industry-lead self-assessment program where graziers can give their beef business a free ‘health check.’ The program is comprised of five modules which cover the…

Chinchilla Groundwater field day

Chinchilla Chinchilla

Hear from government, independent hydro-geologists and companies about CSG water issues, policy and regulation. For more information and to register, visit The CSG project is delivered by…