GrazingFutures Business Resilience – Fact Sheets

GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience has many collaborators and partnerships. These fact sheets and how-to guides have been developed by key partners and stakeholders to help producers develop a Farm Business Resilience Plan.


When setting any type of goals it is important to make sure your goals have defined parameters. The SMART framework can help identify these parameters and ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. Learn more about setting goals here: SMART Goals  (PDF, 1.26 MB)

 Natural Resource Management Goals and Risks

Natural resource management is essential for a sustainable and profitable grazing businesses. It enhances soil health, promotes biodiversity, reduces off-site impacts, and contributes to producer satisfaction and capacity. By prioritising these practices, graziers can achieve long-term success while safeguarding and improving the environment for future. It’s important to identify goals and risks to your business. More importantly establishing strategies how to minimise risks and steps to take towards meeting your goals. Check out this fact sheet from Southern Queensland Landscapes: NRM Risks and Goals  (PDF, 324 KB)

Business and Personal Goals and Risks

In any farming business it is important to consider both your personal and business goals and any differences between them. This will also help identify and establish strategies how to minimise risks whilst working towards your goals. The following resource by Rural Solutions Queensland has examples and prompts to assist you with the completion of your Farm Business Resilience Plan: Producer Business and Personal Goals and Risks (PDF, 246 KB)