Producer phosphorus manual for the northern cattle industry

The Producer phosphorus manual for the northern cattle industry project developed the manual Phosphorus management of beef cattle in northern Australia (PDF, 2.13MB) which contains both practical and scientific information, and includes findings from recent research on phosphorus nutrition.


The Feeding phosphorus to northern beef cattle manual is a new guide for producers, building on the previous McCosker and Winks (1994) book on phosphorus feeding in northern Australia. Recent research on the phosphorus nutrition of cattle, captured in a review by Coates and Dixon (2011), has been use to update the information and recommendations for phosphorus management of grazing beef cattle in northern Australia. This phosphorus feeding manual is therefore a compilation of all of the scientific and practical knowledge on phosphorus management of cattle in northern Australia. The manual also comprises outcomes distilled from the phosphorus review, new methods for testing phosphorus status of grazing cattle, and case studies which clearly demonstrate the benefits of phosphorus supplementation using practical industry experience and associated economic analyses. This revised edition is written in a user-friendly format to allow easy access of information. This project also clearly identified those areas of phosphorus nutrition and its management that need further attention through research and adoption.

When: 1 March 2010 to 31 March 2012

Contact: Désirée Jackson

Collaborators: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, University of QueenslandNorthern Territory Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia

More information

For more information, please read the final report summary and download the final report (B.NBP.0540) (PDF, 919.4 KB) from the Meat & Livestock Australia website.