Weaner manual out now

The front cover of the 'Weaner management in northern beef herds' manualThe ‘Weaner management in northern beef herds’ manual is now available from MLA. This publication is free to everyone.

This publication is a compilation of all the research, demonstration and practical knowledge available on weaning and weaner management in northern Australia. Weaning is a well-established practice and the emphasis in this book is two-fold: to describe best management practice for feeding and educating weaners; and to promote weaning of young light calves under difficult conditions to reduce mortality and improve fertility in the breeders.

Download Weaner management in northern beef herds (PDF 3 MB).

You can also join the principal author Russ Tyler as he discusses the best management practices for feeding and educating weaners and weaning young light calves under difficult conditions in a webinar held on 20 April 2012.