Leading Sheep

Leading Sheep (2015–2018) will identify and prioritise local industry needs via regional committees in the three main sheep and wool producing areas of Queensland. Best practice management information and innovations will be delivered via a range of traditional extension methods (field days and workshops) as well as on-line to allow producers to access experts and technical advice without leaving home. The aim of these activities will be to increase awareness and deliver new knowledge and skills so Queensland sheep and wool producers can increase their productivity and profitability.

The focus of Leading Sheep (2015–2018) will be:

  • Promoting and increasing adoption of new technologies that are currently being under utilised by producers;
  • Instigating a “Sheep Challenge” whereby participants identify an industry challenge and develop an innovative solution;
  • Opportunities for future sheep and wool industry members including a pilot youth mentoring scheme and promotion of educational opportunities and resources for school aged children; and
  • Using communication technologies to allow producers to access the information they need when they want it such as social media, repackaging recorded webinars into bite sized chunks, short technical videos, etc.

A rigorous monitoring and evaluation program will ensure the project keeps on track and achieves its objectives. While a comprehensive communication and promotion strategy will ensure the project (along with its funder – AWI) are at the forefront delivering practical and relevant information and technology to equip progressive and thriving Queensland producers for the future.

When: 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2018

Where: Charleville, Queensland

Contact: Nicole Sallur E: nicole.sallur@daf.qld.gov.au

Collaborators: Australian Wool Innovation and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries with support from AgForce

Useful link: Visit the Leading Sheep website.