Potential for rangeland grassfed assurance programs in Western Australia

The Potential for rangeland grassfed assurance programs in Western Australia project aimed to:

  • conduct a desktop review of existing global grassfed certification programs;
  • undertake modelling to determine the projected viability for grassfed beef; and
  • engage with producers, butchers and processors in Western Australia to determine the potential for developing a Grassfed Assurance Program for Western Australia.


The access to large aquifers in the Pilbara region, the investment in mosaic irrigation, the global consumer demand for certified grassfed product and the need to back any branded product with an auditable assurance program were all key factors contributing to the undertaking of this project.

The project conducted a desktop review of existing global grassfed certification programs, undertook modelling to determine the projected viability for grassfed beef, engaged with producers, butchers and processors in Western Australia to determine the potential for developing a Grassfed Assurance Program for Western Australia.

All sectors of the supply chain expressed support for the future development of a Western Australian Rangeland Grassfed/Pasturefed Cattle Assurance Program. Future development should be expanded to include the Agricultural cattle producing areas of Western Australia to create enough scale to meet market demand. Developing this program will give the Western Australian cattle producers a point of difference and the ability to supply the increasing global demand for grassfed beef, changing its focus from being just another feedlot grain fed market trading a commodity product.

When: 30 June 2016

Contact: Eric Broad

Collaborator: Global Agri Solutions Pty Ltd; DAFWA

More information

To learn more about this project please read the final report summary and download the final report (P.PSH.0762) (PDF, 1.1 MB) from the Meat & Livestock Australia website.