Nutrition EDGE material finalisation

The Nutrition EDGE material finalisation project reorganized the Nutrition EDGE workshop material into seven modules, incorporated material from the technical module and updated the workshop notes and slides with new research outcomes.


This project reorganized the Nutrition EDGE workshop material into seven modules, incorporated material from the technical module and updated the workshop notes and slides with new research outcomes.  The following updated material was submitted for proof reading and graphic design work:

  • Workshop notes, workshop slides and a participant workbook
  • List of resources and materials required for the workshop
  • Timing of and preparation requirements
  • Detailed start and finish times of each module
  • Assistance was  given to the proof reader and graphic designer to ensure the workshop modules, slides and workbook were to MLA’s satisfaction.

The consultant attended a material finalisation meeting in Brisbane to ensure EDGENetwork packages are linked more closely together within a business context, have consistent language terminology and key messages.

When: 23 March 2017

Contact: Désirée Jackson

Collaborator: Désirée Jackson Livestock Management Pty Ltd

More information

For more details, please read the final report summary and download the final report (B.GFB.1717) (PDF, 238.0KB) from the Meat & Livestock Australia website.