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Forecasting Australia’s livestock future (part 1) – Webinar

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Date: Wednesday 13 May 2020
7:30pm-8:30pm AEST
Cost: Free
Event category:
Website: https://events-apac1.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/1403042193/en/events/event/shared/default_template/event_landing.html?connect-session=apac1breezt4748ay256dtfes4&sco-id=1774828238&_charset_=utf-8

This is the first of a two-part webinar featuring Simon Quilty, an independent global beef analyst, brought to you by Local Land Services New South Wales.

Simon is an independent global beef analyst with over 30 years of industry experience. He will livestock producers the most up to date information on the factors influencing future livestock prices.

Given the complexity of global markets as COVID-19 impacts consumer demand in many ways Simon will map out some the current challenges that exist in exporting meat around the world and the impact these challenges will have on cattle and lamb prices for the next two years. Simon will present his livestock price forecasts and explain how he arrived at these numbers, and with the hosting Local Land Services Livestock Officers, talk about farming strategies during this period.

Your Local Land Services hosts will be:

• Max Newsome, Land Services Officer (Livestock)

• Nathan Jennings, Senior Land Services Officer (Agriculture Advice)

Attendees will get an opportunity to ask Simon and the Local Land Service Officers questions live during the event.

The webinar will be recorded and made available for those that are unable attend.

Session 1

  • Australia’s cattle cycles – drought versus the rebuild.
  • African Swine Fever
  • COVID-19
  • Impact on global food services
  • Impact on global retail demand
  • High unemployment globally and its impact on consumer spending
  • The impact of these events on livestock prices in Australia
  • Preparing for the future.

Register for Session 1 of this webinar series from Local Land Services now.

Download the event flyer: Forecasting Australian Livestock Future (PDF, 1 MB)