Profitability of supply chain options for beef producers: a Western Australian case study

Are you interested in undertaking an economic evaluation of your supply chain pathways to get a triple bottom line for adopting specific management options?

Using benefit cost analysis, three supply chain options for a cattle enterprise in Western Australia were evaluated to better understand profitability:

  1. Pastoral station to sale yard market.
  2. Pastoral station to backgrounding property to abattoir market.
  3. Pastoral station to feedlot to abattoir market.

In this webinar recording, join Dr Fiona Dempster (Deputy Director of the Centre for Agricultural Economics & Development at the University of Western Australia) as she presents the results and discusses the recommendations from the Backgrounding Scenario, including that vertical integration appears to be a profitable proposition, and how cattle behaviour management can improve cattle welfare and improve profit.

You can watch the full recording or use the playlist below to jump to the start of a particular section within the presentation. (35:22; published 16 May 2024 by FutureBeefAu).

Download a copy of the presentation: Profitability of supply chain options for beef producers (PDF; 1.3 MB)

Full recording


  1. Performance of supply chain options for beef producers
  2. BeefLinks research
  3. Australian cattle data (2023, DPIRD)
  4. WA cattle data (2023, DPIRD)
  5. Backgrounding in WA
  6. Preparing cattle for transport
  7. Beef Economic Evaluation Framework
  8. Data Collection – real businesses
  9. Partial budget analysis
  10. Case study #1
  11. Case study #1 – Station to markets
  12. Case study #1 – Via backgrounding
  13. Case study #1 – Via feedlot
  14. Case study #2
  15. Case study #2 – Live + abattoir
  16. De-stressing cattle
  17. Animal welfare
  18. Results summary
  19. Caveats
  20. Thank you